5 tips from my creativity toolkit
As a marketing translator, creativity is key. Coming up with trendy catchphrases, witty one-liners and unforgettable taglines can become exhausting day after day. I know I sometimes feel as though I just can't muster enough flare. If that sounds all too familiar, I have put together 5 quick tips to help you keep your creativity at an all-time high, your puns quirky and your marketing translations on point.
1) Read
Oh no, here we go again. I might sound like a broken record, but reading is a fantastic pass-time for creative types like marketing translators. I'm not suggesting reading large tomes on marketing techniques or translation through the ages.... I am suggesting that you pick up something completely unrelated to your profession so that you can allow your mind to switch gears. Reading is the perfect way to wind down and allow your mind to be consumed by something other than translating. I always pick up fantastic new vocabulary words or remind myself of some fabulous words that I should be using in my translations. Sometimes one magic word can sneak its way into various translations for weeks to come.
2) Get out
Moving your translation workstation outdoors or simply to another location other than the comfort of your own home is a great way to get some inspiration. Breathing in the fresh air outside or people watching at your favourite café are great ways to refill your well of creativity. Taking yourself out of your daily routine and opening your mind to a new atmosphere can help give you a new perspective and a renewed sense of motivation. This can be just the push you need to shift your thinking so that you can muster up some creativity bombs.
3) Get crafty
Allowing yourself to get creative in other ways outside of work is a great way to boost your marketing translation creativity. Zoning out and letting your thoughts run wild is sometimes what you need to recharge your creative battery. Getty crafty and changing up how you get creative in your daily life is a great way to round out your creative side. Try picking up an adult paint by numbers or colour by numbers book. I know it sounds childish, but I find it extremely therapeutic and calming. It relaxes my mind and allows me the freedom to think about anything other than translation so that I can give myself a fresh start.
4) Exercise
Of course, exercise had to make it onto the list. I don't expect you to become a marathon runner or a bodybuilder, but moving your body is a great way to calm the body and rejuvenate the mind. I usually opt for short yoga sessions or brisk walks. I find that once I step away from my computer and start moving my body, my mind (and creative juices) also starts to get moving. All of a sudden, great catchphrases or perfectly charismatic words start flooding in and I feel ready to get back on the horse.
5) Browse social media
This may seem counter intuitive to some... but I find that browsing social media, listening to the radio and watching TV helps me flick on my creative lightbulb. It can be easy to get carried away with browsing social media, but when used in moderation, I find that it can help spark my creativity. As a marketing translator, staying up to date on the latest trends is crucial. Browsing social media to find out the latest news, discover which ads are drawing people in and observing how brands interact with their audiences to keep them coming back for more is invaluable information.
How do you stay creative? Let me know in the comments below!